Important Dates for Prospective ULM Students for the SNBP Pathway in 2023
The National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) announced the results of the 2023 Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP) on Tuesday (28/3/2023) at 15.00 WIB. Announcement can be accessed at
The entire academic community of Lambung Mangkurat University congratulates the 143,805 prospective students who have passed the 2023 Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP). For the 1,589 prospective students who passed the SNBP and registered at Lambung Mangkurat University, the following are important dates that must be considered:
Activity | Schedule |
SNBP Announcement | 28th March 2023 |
Completion of the Tuition Fee Form (UKT) | 30th March to 5th April 2023 |
Registration and Payment of Health Test Fees | 30th March to 5th April 2023 |
Implementation of Health Tests
Lambung Mangkurat Medical Center (LMMC) – ULM Banjarmasin |
4th to 8th April 2023 |
Registration | 10th s.d. 13th April 2023 |
Prospective Student Recipients of KIP-K
Based on the ULM Rector’s Announcement Letter Number 1049/UN8/TU.00.01/2023 concerning the Implementation of Re-registration of New Students for the 2023 ULM SNBP Pathway, ULM accepted as many as 411 prospective students who passed the 2023 SNBP with the path of prospective Indonesian Smart Card Recipients (KIP) for College.
For the smooth registration of new students, the 2023 SNBP selection specifically for the 411 prospective students needs to pay attention to several important points related to KIP Lectures, including the re-registration payment policy and the completeness of the files that must be prepared.
Special announcements for KIP-K SNBP 2023 candidates can be accessed here