PPK Ormawa Ready to Implement Programs in 10 Villages
Banjarmasin – Following up on the letter from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Number 1991/E2/DT.01.01/2023 dated 27 April 2023, regarding the Final Selection of the 2023 Ormawa PPK Subproposals on 2 – 10 May 2023, the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs has selected 676 subproposals . Through an announcement issued by the Ministry, 10 Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) proposals were determined that successfully passed the selection to receive funding. “Of the 18 proposals that we submitted, 10 of the proposals that we submitted were submitted to receive funding from the Ormawa PPK Team.” Said the Vice Rector Dr. Muhamad Rusmin Nuryadin, SE., M.Sc.
On this occasion, ULM released the Implementation Team for the program to strengthen the capacity of student organizations or PPK Ormawa to 10 villages in South Kalimantan led by the Vice Rector Dr. Muhamad Rusmin Nuryadin, SE., M.Sc. The event took place at the same time as the handover of higher education assistance funds to 10 Ormawa organizational groups who would go directly to the villages to implement the programs that had been planned. Students will be deployed to 10 villages related to the implementation of the program in the proposal submitted including Jingah Habang Hilir Village, Lok Buntar Village, Wirittasi Village, Kusan Hilir District, Murung Kenanga Village, Kiyu Village, Rantau Bujur Village, Karang Indah Village, Karang Dukuh Village, Subdistrict Pemurus Dalam, Teluk Dalam Village.
Present at the event ULM Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmad, SE., M.Sc, representatives of the Dean III of Faculties, Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, PIC PPK Belmawa organization and team, and village heads who are ULM partners in implementing the 2023 Ormawa PPK program.
PPK Ormawa is a Community Planning and Empowerment activity carried out by the Student Activities Organization Unit which aims to train students’ leadership spirit in the community, which of course is hoped that these students will be able to solve problems in 10 villages by implementing the planned program of course with assistance funds from Lambung Mangkurat University. Vice Rector III also advised the students to be serious about implementing this program “Students who will go to the village, be careful, you will all study together in the village, exchange ideas to manage the village,” he added.
The Rector acknowledged that ULM’s flagship program was PPK. “One of the superior programs is PPK because we are in the 4th national ranking for PPK in 2023.” Said the Rector of ULM. The selection of these 10 proposals is the first step for ULM to be more trusted by the Ministry in developing and solving village problems. “We hope that the 2023 Ormawa PPK activity is an activity that will be a source of motivation for us to pass more proposals in the future,” the Rector added.
Therefore, the Rector really appreciated Ormawa and this activity and expressed his deepest gratitude to the parties involved in supporting the implementation of this activity, starting from the Vice Rector III of ULM, the Deputy Dean in the ULM environment, the Head of BAK, PIC PPK Ormawa, including the Village Head who Has become a strategic partner of ULM in organizing this activity. “The same appreciation is also conveyed to the village heads who have become ULM’s strategic partners in organizing the 2023 Ormawa PPK. The best in this PPK program will be proposed to the national level to receive appreciation at the Ministry,” concluded the Rector.