The Rector of ULM Released 273 KKN Faculty of Fisheries Students in Kotabaru
- Posted by Humas ULM
- Categories Berita Lainnya
- Date 4 July 2023
Kotabaru – Rector of the University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) Prof. Dr. Ahmad Alim Bachri, S.E., M.Sc., released 273 students from the ULM Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPK) who will be conducting Real Work Lectures (KKN) in Kotabaru on Monday (3/7/2023) at the Kotabaru Secretariat office.
At the event, Kotabaru Regent H. Sayed Jafar directly welcomed and received ULM Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science students witnessed by ULM Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and Public Relations, Dr. Ir. Yusuf Azis, M.Sc., Dean of FPK ULM Dr. Ir. Hj. Agustiana, M.P., Regional Secretary H. Said Akhmad, heads of SKPD, subdistrict heads, and village heads.
A total of 273 FPK students will conduct KKN in 5 (five) sub-districts and 16 villages in the Kotabaru area. They will be divided starting from Pulaulaut Sigam District, namely, Sigam Village, Gedambaan Village, Hilir Muara Village.
And Pulaulaut Utara District, namely Sungai Taib Village, Semayap Rampa Baru Village, Stagen Village, Rampa Lama Village, and for East Pulaulaut District, namely Teluk Gosong Village, Teluk Mesjid Village, Sungai Limau Village.
For Pulaulaut Tengah District, namely, Salino Village, Sungai Pasir Village, Senisir Village, and for Pulau Sebuku District, namely, Rampa Village, Ujung Village, Sekapung Village.
In his remarks, the Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmad Alim Bachri, S.E., M.Sc., expressed his gratitude to the local government both the regent, the SKPD, the sub-district head and the village head who were willing to become recipients of the 2023 KKN ULM FPK students in Kotabaru District. “I entrusted the children of ULM KKN students in Kotabaru and while in Kotabaru I asked the local government to help and guide me in real work lectures for this one month. And if there are any mistakes, please reprimand them because they are in the stage of searching for their identity and are directly involved in the community with the hope that they will be able to make achievements for Banua later,” he concluded.
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