24 FKIP ULM Lecturers Officially Certified Competency Assessors, LSP ULM Ready to Get License.
Banjarmasin – Starting from 24 November 2023, 24 lecturers from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) officially received registration numbers as competency assessors from BNSP (National Professional Certification Board). Thus, assessors have the right to become examiners of the professional competency of the schemes they have the right to examine. These 24 lecturers will work as assessors under the ULM Professional Certification Institute (LSP). Competency certification has recently become an important thing in Higher Education (PT) because it supports the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (IKU) as professionals who teach on campus. This achievement received appreciation from the Rector of ULM, Ahmad Aliem Bahri, who congratulated the assessors.
The 24 lecturers are Maryanto, Edlin Yanuar Nugrahaeni, Sulisno, and Muhammad Najamudin for the show production leadership occupational scheme; Maulana Rizky, and Alfi Fadhillah Hakim for the junior accountant technician occupational scheme; Dwi Atmono, Muhammad Rahmattullah, Ananda Setiawan, and Monry Fraick N.G.R.S., and Rizky Febriyani Putri for the KKNI level 4 scheme in the field of industrial entrepreneurship; Dewi Ratih Rapisa, Dewi Ekasari Kusumastuti, and Rona Wulandari for the hearing sign language interpreter occupational scheme; Ati Sukmawati, Nuruddin Wiranda, and Muhammad Hifdzi Adhini for the junior office operator occupational scheme; Jumariati, Noor Eka Chandra, and Raisa Fadilla for the tour guide employment scheme; and Rusma Noortyani, Arum Murdianingsih, Ahsani Taqwiem, and Dewi Alfianti for the cluster scheme for developing public relations programs.
Previously, on Wednesday-Thursday, 23 November 2023, LSP ULM held training activities for assessors to support preparation for LSP ULM field assessments in order to obtain a license. Training activities were held in the FKIP ULM meeting room from 08.00-14.00 WITA. According to Jumariati, one of the LSP assessors and a member of the LSP scheme drafting team, this training aims to prepare the ULM LSP to enter a full assessment which is a mandatory activity before the ULM LSP is declared fit to provide certification services. As an extension of BNSP, LSP ULM must meet the standards set by BNSP. In this training, validation of the 7 scheme certification instruments was carried out followed by instrument testing in assessor and assessor practice. This is to see whether the instrument is ready to be used and whether the assessor is ready to work or not. From validation and testing, it was found that several parts of the certification instruments in each scheme still needed to be revised, so in the past few weeks the LSP ULM assessors had to work again to revise the instruments. Revisions must be carried out intensively so that during the full assessment there will be no further deficiencies found by the BNSP Team. “The target is for this revision activity to be completed before the end of December so that a full assessment and witness can be carried out by BNSP, estimated at the beginning of January 2024,” she said.
Regarding LSP ULM in the future, the Director of LSP ULM, Suratno said that in the future LSP will be established as an independent institution as a partner of ULM, facilitating the certification of students from all Study Programs (PS). Therefore, in 2024, apart from serving competency tests for students in 7 (seven) schemes, there will be expansion and additions to the scheme as well as recruitment of prospective assessors for other schemes until all study programs can be served to carry out competency tests for their students.
“ULM has to prepare very large costs, but additional allocations from BOPTN sources enable LSP to take part more meaningfully, at least 200 students per semester per faculty can take competency tests according to the relevant scheme. For my assessor friends who already have a certificate, I hope to continue to motivate myself to gain experience in conducting assessments for assessees according to the scheme they provide. Thank you very much for the willingness of colleagues who have supported the success of the establishment of LSP ULM. Two more stages must be undertaken, namely full assessment and witness, LSP ULM will obtain a license that stands at the same level as other LSP P1 in Indonesia. Only Wasaka’s intention will lead to IKU ULM being achieved. Amen,” he said enthusiastically.
(This article was written by Dewi Alfianti, S.Pd., M.Pd/ Humas FKIP ULM)