The establishment of ULM cannot be neglected from the history of the struggle to uphold Indonesian independence. Although Indonesia had proclaimed independence on August 17, 1945, the Dutch only acknowldged Indonesia’s independence and sovereignty on December 27, 1949. During the period of 1945 to 1949 the Dutch tried hard to re-colonize Indonesia through military and political efforts but were foiled by the heroes of Indonesian freedom fighters.
One area that is striving to fight for independence is South Kalimantan. On May 17, 1949, in the village of Niih Kandangan, Hasan Basry, proclaimed the Government of the Governor of the ALRI Army Division IV South Kalimantan Defense.
At the reunion on March 3 – 10, 1957 these fighters formed the Lambung Mangkurat Council with a work plan focused on the development of the South Kalimantan region. One of the plans is to establish a university which would be named Lambung Mangkurat University.
In realizing the plan of the Lambung Mangkurat Council, in mid-1958 a Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of Lambung Mangkurat University was formed with the following committee composition:
Patron / Advisor:
K.H. Idham Chalid, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia
Ir. P. Muhammad Noor, Minister of Public Works & Labor
Kol. Kusno Utomo Tanjung Pura Territorial Commander VI
Milono Head of Level I Self-Defense Region in East Java
Mr. Burhanuddin, Director of Bank Indonesia
H.M. Hanafiah, former Minister of Agrarian Affairs
Chairperson: Lieutenant Colonel. H. Hasan Basry
Chairman I: Sarkawi, Governor of South Kalimantan
Chairman II: Maksid, Head of Daswati I of South Kalimantan
Chairman III: Tjilik Riwut, Governor of Central Kalimantan
General Secretary: Notary Kho Boen Tian
Secretary I: Drs. Asful Anwar
Secretary II: Drs. Baderun Aran
Secretary III: Drs. A. D. Patianom
Treasurer I: Djantera, Member of the First Level DPT in South Kalimantan
Treasurer II: Waldenar August Narang
General Assistant: A. Sinaga, Drs. Tan Tjin Kie Mr. Soejono Hadidjoyo Mr. Ong Tjong Hauw, H. Abdurrachman Ismail, M.A, Agus Ibrahim, Abdurrivai, B.A
Finally, on September 21, 1958 the Preparatory Committee successfully inaugurated the establishment of Lambung Mangkurat University. Lieutenant Colonel Hasan Basry was appointed as the first President (formerly Chancellor), Major Abdul Wahab Syahranie as his deputy and Drs. Asful Anwar as Secretary was supported by the Board of Curators chaired by Sarkawi (Governor of South Kalimantan), and Secretary H. Abdurrachman Ismail, M.A.
At the beginning of the establishment of Lambung Mangkurat University consisted of 4 (four) Faculties, namely the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Social and Politics, and the Faculty of Islamology.
After the formation of the University of Lambung Mangkurat which was inaugurated on September 21, 1958, the preparatory committee’s work was completed and for further management the preparatory committee handed over its tasks to the Lambung Mangkurat College Foundation which was established with Notary Deed No. 57 dated 12 February 1959 was chaired by Hadji Maksid (Head of Daswati I of South Kalimantan).
Chairperson: Head of the South Kalimantan Regional Autonomy Region I
Deputy Chair I: Head of the Central Kalimantan Regional Autonomy Region I
Deputy Chair II: Chief of Staff of the South Kalimantan Military Regional Command
Secretary I: Kho Boen Tian
Secretary II: South Kalimantan Regional Secretariat level I
Secretary III: Central Kalimantan Regional Autonomy Secretary I
Treasurer I: Kho Sek Beng
Treasurer II: Waldenar August Narang
Treasurer III: Djantera
Central Kalimantan Regional Military Command Chief of Staff
Head of the Banjarmasin Regional Autonomy Region II
South Kalimantan State Police Chief
Chairperson of the South Kalimantan Corporate & Trade Assembly
Mahir Mahar
Hadji Mohammad Sam’ani Asnawie
Hadji Sibli Imansjah
Hadji Achmad Gazali
Anang Atjil
Utuh Darham
Lambung Mangkurat University was established as a state university with various efforts carried out by the Level I Regional Government of South Kalimantan and the Management of the Lambung Mangkurat College Foundation.
Finally on November 1, 1960 Lambung Mangkurat University was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia to be a State University based on Government Regulation Number 41 of 1960, consisting of 4 faculties, namely:
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Social and Politics
Faculty of Agriculture
The Faculty of Islamology was handed over to the Syariah Faculty of IAIN Yogyakarta, then developed into the Antasari IAIN. The Faculty of Agriculture only began organizing education on October 3, 1961.
After becoming a state tertiary institution, the ULM President was still held by Lieutenant Colonel H. Hasan Basry and Drs. Asful Anwar as Secretary. The education programs organized by the faculty leaders are as follows.
The Faculty of Law organizes Legal Studies
Faculty Chair: Mr. Soejono Hadidjoyo
Secretary: Mr. Ong Tjong Haw (A.M. Rahmanata, S.H)
The Faculty of Economics holds education in the Department of General Economics (National Economics), and the Department of Corporate Economics.
Faculty Chair: Prof. Soemadio
Secretary: Drs. Go Tjiaw Tiong (Drs. Bob Goenadhi)
The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences organizes education in the Government / Civil Service Department, and the Publication Department
Faculty Chair: Drs. Asful Anwar
Secretary: Drs. Lie Han Po (Drs. Djohansyah Rusli)
The education of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Politics is supported by the Lambung Mangkurat College Foundation so that it can bring in lecturers from Jakarta, Surabaya and Yogyakarta.
In addition to supporting funding for operational education, the Lambung Mangkurat College Foundation also built four lecture units in Banjarbaru in 1960, planned to be used by the Faculty of Law, Economics, Social and Political Sciences, but only used by the Faculty of Agriculture, then in 1964 used by the Faculty of Fisheries, Forestry, and in 1965 by the Faculty of Engineering.
The Faculty of Law began in 1971 with majors / sections of study in Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Civil Law. Starting in 2000 the Masters of Law program was opened, in 2008 the Notary profession program was opened in collaboration with the UGM Faculty of Law.
The Faculty of Social and Politics has developed into the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, currently organizing courses in Government Science, State Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Sciences, and Communication Studies.
The Faculty of Economics has grown by organizing study programs in Accounting, Government Science, Management Science, and Economics and Development Studies.
Important Events in the History of ULM Development Since Becoming a State University Until Now
October 3: Inauguration of the start of the education process at the Faculty of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Indonesia in Bogor (now Bogor Agricultural University). The Chair of the Faculty is the President of the University (Lt. Col. H. Hasan Basry), Secretary Ir. Until Tanapa. Now Faperta has developed into 4 study programs, namely Agroecotechnology, Agribusiness, Livestock Production, and Agricultural Industrial Technology Technology.
November 4: The establishment of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) with 5 majors, namely: Indonesian Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, Cultural History, Physical Education and Physical Sciences. The Chairperson of the Faculty is Gardjito, S.H. In 1964 FKIP was merged into IKIP Bandung Banjarmasin Branch. The Department of Physical Education stands alone as the College of Sports (STO). On July 9, 1969 IKIP Bandung Banjarmasin Branch was handed over to ULM then it became 2 faculties, namely the Teaching Faculty and the Education Faculty. In 1977 STO was reintegrated into ULM to become the Department of Sports and Health in the Faculty of Education.
FKIP now has 17 study programs, namely 1) History Pending, 2), Language Learning, Indonesian & Regional Literature, 3), English Language Education 4), Pancasila Education and Citizenship 5) Education and Economics, 6) Biology, 7) Chemistry, 8) Mathematics, 9) Physics, 10) Physical Education, Health and Recreation, 11) Counseling Guidance, 12) Education. Geography, 13) Pend. Sociology and Anthropology, 14) Pend. Sendratasik, 15) Pend Primary School Teachers, 16) Pend. Early Childhood / PGTK, and 17) Special Education.
President of the University of Lt. Col. H. Hasan Basry was replaced by Milono as the new title, the Chancellor. Assisted by Vice Rector I Mr. Soejono Hadidjojo, Vice Rector II Drs. H.A.A. Malik, and Vice Rector III Gusti Ibrahim Aman, SH.
September 1: Establishment of the Faculty of Fisheries, the Faculty of Forestry, and the Faculty of Engineering based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science Number 296 of 1965.
The Faculty of Fisheries now has 6 study programs namely, Aquaculture, Fishery Product Technology, Aquatic Resource Management, Fisheries Agrobisinis, Fisheries Resource Utilization, and Marine Sciences. At the beginning of its establishment the Faculty of Forestry was led by the Chairperson, Ir. Willy M. Tampubolon (1964 – 1966).
The Faculty of Forestry developed and 3 study programs, namely Forest Product Technology, Forest Management, and Forest Cultivation. Starting the 2010/2011 academic year, it was merged into Forestry Study Program. At the beginning of its establishment the Faculty of Forestry was led by Chairman Ir. Soedibyo (1965 – 1967).
The Faculty of Engineering now has 6 study programs, namely Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Mining Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Environmental Engineering. At the beginning of its establishment the Faculty of Forestry was held concurrently by the Chancellor, namely Milono (1965-1967).
February 10: Hasanuddin Hadji Madjedi, a Faculty of Economics student, dies when demonstrating with thousands of students and youths as the first AMPERA heroes in Indonesia.
ULM Chancellor Milono retires. There has been no Presidential Decree on its successor, based on the provisions in Government Regulation Number 41 of 1960, article 2 paragraph 2 which reads “as long as there is no President, Lambung Mangkurat University is led by a Presidium, consisting of members appointed by the Ministry of Education, Teaching and Culture “. Drs. H.A.A. Malik was appointed as Chairman of the Presidium and concurrently with 3 members, namely (1) H. Ideham Zarkasi, S.H. (2) Ir. Willy Tampubolon, and (3) Ir. Mudrig Jahmadi.
April 10: Prof. Anwari Dilmy was appointed as Chancellor, Vice Rector I Drs. M. Idwar Saleh (continued by Drs. Noer’id Hrough Radam), Vice Rector II R. Biertje Tjitrodi Koesoemo, S.H. (continued by Drs. Busthaniansyah), and Vice Rector III Drs. Abdul Djebar Hapip.
Prof. Anwari Dilmy was reappointed as Chancellor. The ULM Organizational Structure and Work Procedure underwent a change, the position of Vice Chancellor was abolished, replaced with a Secretary, held by Drs. H. M. Kustan Basri.
27 July: ULM Statute is approved based on Kepmendikbud Number 0290 / U / 1997 dated July 27, 1977.
June 1: The National Resilience Institute and LPM are formed based on the new Statute and Rector’s Decree Number Decree 98 / PT.10.1 / E78 dated June 1, 1978.
Based on the new Statute, ULM returned with the nomenclature of the Vice Chancellor. Ir. H. Supardi was appointed as the Vice Rector I, Drs. Abdurrivai as Vice Rector II, and Morries L. Timbang, SH as Assistant Rector III.
March 13: Drs. H.M. Kustan Basri was appointed as Chancellor based on Presidential Decree Number 54/ M /1979 dated March 13, 1979, Assistant Rector I Ir. H. Supardi, Vice Rector II Drs. Busthaniansyah, Vice Rector III Drs. Abdul Djebar Hapip.
March 14: Drs. H.M. Kustan Basri was reappointed as Chancellor based on Presidential Decree Number 24 / M / 1979 dated March 14, 1983. Vice Rector I Ir. H. Supardi, Vice Rector II Drs. Busthaniansyah, Vice Rector III Drs. Loth Yamin.
December 8 .: The Teaching and Education Faculty were merged into the Teaching and Education Faculty, based on Kepmendikbud Number 0566 / O / 1983.
15 July: Brigadier General H. Hasan Basry, a figure of freedom fighter and founder of ULM, ULM President in the period 1958-1963 died at the age of 61 (he was born on 17 June 1923 in Kandangan). Awarded a National Hero Title based on Presidential Decree Number 110 / TK / 2001 on November 3, 2001.
August 27: Prof. Ir. H. Supardi was appointed as Chancellor based on Presidential Decree Number 199 / M / 1987 on August 27, 1987 with the Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Drs. H. Badjuri Ali, M.A, Vice Rector II Drs. H. Ahmad Fauzi Thalhah, Vice Rector III Ir. Adrias Mashuri, S
September 6: The establishment of the Medical Study Program based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number 87/ Dikti/ Kep /1989 on September 6, 1989. Starting in the 1990/1991 academic year accepting new students through the Interest and Ability Search (PMDK) program for the best high school graduates in South Kalimantan. At the beginning of its establishment the Faculty of Medicine was led by Chair Prof. Dr. dr. Abdul Choliq Chuseiri, M.Sc, Ph.D (period 1990-1994), Assistant Chair of the Field of Academic, Assistant to the Head of General Administration and Finance Dr. H. Sukirman, MD, Assistant Head of Student Affairs dr. H. Hasyim Fachir. October 21, 2003 officially became a Faculty of Medicine based on Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. 0366 / O / 1993. Currently the Faculty of Medicine organizes Medical Education study programs and 4 other study programs, namely the Public Health Sciences study program (2002) Nursing study programs (2008) Psychology study programs (2008), and Dentistry study programs (2009).
Prof. Ir. H. Supardi was re-appointed as Chancellor based on Presidential Decree Number 307 / M / 1991 with Vice Rector I Ir. H. Yus’a Anward, SU, Vice Rector II Drs. Chem H. Alfian Noor, Vice Rector III H. Darmansyah Djamain, S.H.
Prof. Ir. Yus’a Anward, S.U. appointed as Chancellor based on Presidential Decree Number 421 / M / 1995. After the Chancellor died, the Vice Rector II was appointed as Acting Rector.
February 6th. : Prof. Ir. H. Alfian Noor was appointed as Chancellor based on Presidential Decree Number 28 / M / 1997 dated February 6, 1997 with Vice Rector I Dr. Ir. Athaillah Mursyid, M.S. Vice Rector II Ir. H. Mahyar Diana, Vice Rector III Ir. H. Mulyadi Yusuf.
April 29th. : Establishment of an Agronomy Masters Program based on Director General of Higher Education Decree Number 189 / Dikti / Kep / 1999 April 29, 1999, followed by the formation of a Masters in Law (2000). Agricultural Social Sciences (2000), Civil Engineering (2001), Management (2001), Indonesian & Regional Language & Literature Education (2002), Forestry Sciences (2002), Natural and Environmental Resource Management (2002), Educational Management (2003), Administration Public (2004), Development Economics (2006), Development Administration (2009), Fisheries & Maritime Sciences (2009), Biological Education (2009), Government Science (2009), IPS Education (2009) and Masters of Business Administration (2010) . Now there are 17 Masters programs and 3 Doctoral programs, namely the Doctoral Program in Economics, in collaboration with Airlangga University, the Doctoral Program in Agriculture, and the Doctoral Program in Administrative Sciences in collaboration with Brawijaya University.
Prof. Ir. H. Alfian Noor was reappointed as Chancellor in 2001 based on Presidential Decree Number 203 / M / 2001 with Vice Rector I Ir. H. M. Rasmadi, M.S. Vice Rector II Ir. H. Mahyar Diana, Vice Rector III H. Riduan Syachrani, SH.
September 11th. : The establishment of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education Number 147 / O / 2001 dated 11 September 2001 consisting of Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics Study Programs. At present the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences organizes 6 study programs with the formation of 3 new study programs namely Physics Study Program (2005) Pharmacy Study Program (2005) and Computer Science Study Program (2006).
Prof. Ir. H. Muhammad Rasmadi, M.S. was appointed as Chancellor based on Presidential Decree Number 170 / M / 2005 on October 14, 2005, with Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Ir. Gusti M. Hatta, M.S, Vice Rector II H. Darman, SH, Vice Rector III Drs. H. Ahmad Sofyan, M.A (then served as Dean of FKIP, since August 23, 2007 the position of PR III was continued by Ir. H. Hamdani, M.S).
The ULM Anniversary was celebrated on 21 September according to the time of its inauguration on 21 September 1958 based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education.
June 1: Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sudo Hadi, M.Sc, Professor of Bogor Agricultural University, was appointed as Acting Officer. Rector based on Minister of Education Decree Number 103 / MPN.A4 / KP / 2010 dated May 31, 2010. Drs. H. Suriansyah, M.Pd, Ph.D was appointed as Plt. Vice Chancellor I.
September 18: Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Muhammad Ruslan, M.S was appointed as Chancellor, based on Presidential Decree Number 123 / M / 2010 dated 16 September 2010.
December 23: Inauguration of Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. H. Hadin Muhjad, S.H, M.H, Vice Rector II Prof. Dr. Ir. H. A. Gazali, M.S, Vice Rector III Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Idiannoor Mahyudin, M.S, Vice Rector IV Prof. Dr. H. Sutarto Hadi, M.S, M.Sc. Chairperson of Dr. Lemlit Ahmad Alim Bahri, MS, Chairperson of LPM Dr. Ir. Wahyuni Ilham, MS.
September 8: Prof. Dr. H. Jumadi, M.Pd was appointed as the Vice Rector II replacing Prof. Dr. Ir. H. A. Gazali, M.S.
September 19: Prof. Dr. H. Sutarto Hadi, M.Si, M.Sc. sworn in as ULM Rector based on RI Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. 202 / MPKA.4 / KP / 2014