Sharing Session with the Universitas Terbuka Team in the Context of Strengthening Goods and Services Procurement Management
Banjarmasin – In order to strengthen procurement management and asset utilization within ULM, ULM Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmad Alim Bachri, SE., M.Sc., together with the Vice Rector for Planning, Finance and General Affairs Dr. Ir. Arief Rahmad Maulana Akbar, M.Si., IPU, and the Chair and members of the ULM Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) held a Sharing Session activity by inviting Adrian Sutarwijaya and Antaris Firman from the Open University on Monday (04/12/2023). Held in the Senate Room on the 3rd floor of the ULM Rectorate Building, this event was also attended by the Vice Rector for Cooperation, Public Relations and Information Systems at ULM, Dr. Ir. Yusuf Azis, M.Sc, Dean, Head of Bureau and PPK at ULM.
The ULM Rector opened this agenda with great enthusiasm. He said that holding this agenda was an honor for ULM, where the sharing session was held in order to make improvements to the management or management of procurement and utilization of existing assets at ULM.
“It is hoped that this meeting will attract the attention of the invitees and they will be able to focus more on listening in order to improve the quality of existing asset funding procurement programs at ULM,” said the Rector.
For some people who don’t know, the Open University (UT) is one of the universities with the largest number of students in the world, so the management systems and mechanisms implemented at UT can be an example for ULM, especially regarding management issues. UT and ULM had previously agreed to collaborate, so this activity was a form of implementation of the MoU that had been jointly signed between the Open University and Lambung Mangkurat University.
Prof. Ahmad said that one of the things that must be improved by ULM is how existing human resources can carry out procurement management and asset utilization as well as possible. This is related to the status of ULM which has now changed to Public Service Agency Higher Education or (BLU). Prof. Ahmad also said that ULM had been given a ‘mission’ by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture to become a Legal Entity PTN (PTNBH) in the near future. Therefore, Prof. Ahmad as the Rector of ULM continues to actively make various preparations for carrying out this ‘mission’, one of which is by strengthening management, especially the management of procurement and utilization of assets at ULM.
Overall, asset utilization at ULM is considered not optimal. This will certainly have an impact on ULM’s income generating efforts. Apart from that, the condition of ULM which is currently in the transition period to become a BLU PTN means that ULM needs various input and suggestions and experiences from other universities with BLU status to increase insight, especially in structuring asset management and its utilization. Through this, it is hoped that improving the management and structuring of assets and their utilization can become a strength to provide optimal contributions in increasing ULM’s income generation.
“In order to optimize this, better structuring and management mechanisms and systems are needed so that governance becomes more professional,” said the Rector.